Cut to Size For Cabinet Producers


Yes, you have high yields through the production of staves for your glue up line, but at what cost to your manufacturing overhead and inventory head aches? Why not consider allowing us to ship you exactly what you need? Try to convince our current customers to switch back to random lumber – they won’t even consider it!

Why worry

When you cut 1 Common for cabinet parts, you have to worry about:
  • Planning

  • Ripping

  • Crosscutting

  • Overproduction of staves for panels and under production of stiles and rails.

  • Employee Management

  • Increased Overhead

  • Ordering the right grade and hoping the colour works for you.

When we can deliver you this:

  • Cut and surfaced to your spec, ready to be moulded or S4Sed if necessary.

  • Colour sorted to your needs.

  • Order what you need, and receive it when you need it.

  • Consistent colour from load to load from a consistent source

  • No waste

  • No production overhead or employee headaches.

  • Even if you only want to supplement your production rather than investing in new machinery, our dimension product is your best option!

We specialize in cut to size with customers all over the world. Because we cut dimensions from the log, we can offer the dimensions you need, with none of the by-product and hassles that you don’t want – at a signifigantly lower price than what you could produce it for yourself.

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24 Kerr Crescent,

Puslinch, ON N0B 2J0

Phone. 519-763-1466

Fax. 519-763-7353

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